Little know fact: Adam (the first mam) and everyone until Noah was a vegetarian (probably vegan other than the sacrifices) by God's command. They also live a very long time.
It wasn't until after the flood, a litteral batism of the earth, that mankind was then commanded to eat animals. People started dying much younger.
People think liberals are, well, crazy- that all these fads and modern mind viruses are sourced of evil, or at least not of God and the natural order of things.
I believe we live in a time when God's most valiant children are being born and walk the earth. I believe their instincts are tuned to a higher state of living, a time closer to that garden paradise when meat was fruits & vegitables not rabbits & cows.
Yet, we live in this earth. We live on a planet changed by the flood, a lesser world than before- a more temporal, mortal earth; a earth not only subject to human rule but also to the imfluences & whims of living demons. All under God's law & supervision.
The highest form of this earth proved to be too unsuited for even the first man; the second too unsuited for his decendents who grew ripe with pride in their own ways.
And so, for many generations, humans lived in a world that proved worse than them; to keep them in their place as a constant reminder to need God, to love God, and to depend on his law and order to survive.
Today we yearn for an old world. We long to rule over earth as did those first generations of Adam. In fact we might even have brought to pass that same state of being as we build greater cities & technologies; as we propell ourselves into space & reach for new planets & new horizons of mind, spirit, & body.
It only stands to reason that as we push forward to new hights as a species, as we reach levels of arogance and hubris achievements as no generation has before, that we as a species will also reach closer to God and that long lost paradise of Eden. As we do we inevitably sense the order of God under which those things once existed here on earth. Thus the drive to live by higher commandments given to generations of the past, especially for those whose spirits are more enclined to live by them.
But we must not forget that in this world there are demons who pervert all that is, was, and will be good. Humans have conquered the world that once threatened our very survival here and have forsaken the demons that used to rule the unfavored.
But today, as we threaten by our very virtue to bring about a transformation of the world to an older and higher order of God, those demons are threatened by us. They are snakes backed into the corners of our past, and are lashing out violently at all truths. They corrupt the will & intuition of valiant souls. They plant seeds in liberal minds that grow to consume or smother genuine virtues.
Do not forsake them. These are the valiant sons amd daughters of God. It would be a terrible misstep of believers to cast off those who fall into disarray in their lives while seeking a higher order of God's law because we do not fully understand or accept the force behind that drive. We should be fighting demons not eachother.
So how to fight demons off? We easy: truth. You might think that acknowledging that Adam was probably a vegan and definately a vegitarian to be a trivial issue. "So what?" You might say, dismissively. But to do so is to dismiss a simple truth of our history, prupose, and the commandments of God. Woe unto those that dismiss even the smallest of truths, for truth is the law of God.
We have lost so many simple truths. Corrupting truth is how demons gain power. The math is simple: the further from truth we become the further from God, and thus susceptible to the influence of evil; and the liberal mind by virtue of its openness should be mindful of this principle. When you lose even the slightest grip of what is true you begin to separate yourself from God.
As humanity strives to reach beyond our stewardship we must cling to even the smallest of truths.