Monday, July 17, 2023

Evil in your life

Anyone who remembers the days of torrents (when we all stole music and video by the gig download) undoubtably downloaded video files they did not intend, which showed many the absolute worst of humanity.

Everything you think could never happen, or "who would..." has not only happened, but has been recorded and sold online, and even injected onto unsuspecting computer systems around the globe, or in your home.

It is the nature of evil to attract and force more upon those who partake. Stealing a movie, music, or porn are (and always have been) massive portals for evil to consume your life.

And if it's not obvious enough, yes, I did all these things in my youth. That's how I know what is out there. And it's important to note that I'm not simply talking about awful & abusive sexual content that is illegal in most of the world, but videos of murders, rape, dismemberment, grotesque animal abuse, ritualistic acts across those spectrums, and yes, involving children.

I've seen what is out there and it is every bit as evil and more than any story you've ever heard.

This is why when Facebook & Instagram began showing hints of this evil I left those platforms. It is why I only have Twitter. This may be one of the only platforms online that expressly avoids falling into the evil that dominates the dark web and is now bleeding into all cultures.

People don't seem to get just how dangerous the very existence of this evil subculture of humanity actually is to them and everything they love. I touched this culture only briefly nearly 2 decades ago and it nearly cost me my soul, my life, and my family. Everything. It did cost me years of my life and so much of my spirit that I've spent over a decade rebuilding my faith.

I won't give more details because this world will use it against me. But for those out there still thinking that evil is being kept at bay... it isn't. It is already in your home. It has already reached your children. It has already weakened your spirit and threatened the souls and lives of your family.

I was called years ago to lead. I failed. I gave myself over to the evil we fight today on all fronts. God released me and touched my soul, giving me a second chance to not be lost. I am thankful for His mercy and regret every day since I failed you by not rising to the call.

Perhaps in the future He will have use for me again. I hope I will be ready to answer Him then. But for now, as the world turns deeper toward evil things, I can not be silent about what I know we face and how destructive it will be if you don't force it out of your families, your homes, and your souls. 

We must pray more (something I struggle with.)
We must be more charitable.
We must be more pure & honest.
We must call evil what it is and not mince words.
We must not tolerate evil in our lives.

And we must teach the children about Christ, about salvation, and the virtues of all that is good; and we must protect them from evil 24/7 until we no longer have breath in our lungs, because evil will never come up for air; it never sleeps, it never stops, and it is always watching.

If your kids spend an hour a day online, I guarantee they have seen or heard things that have spotted their souls and stained their faith. Talk to them every day about everything in their lives.

This kind of attention would have kept me safe as a young man; it would have fortified me. But instead, I was given an internet capable PC and an afternoon alone with it.

Unless you are aware of how evil travels and influences people through material and actions, there is no defense against it. It will just suddenly be a part of your life, like a parasite that convinces you through its common being that it is part of who you are and what you are expected to be.

It isn't. Cut it off & out of everything.

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